[Episode 2] Unlearning Success for Your Child

"The highest form of learning is unlearning" - RumiIn this episode, we dive deep into one of the most critical step to nurturing your child's K-12 schooling, which is unlearning. Though this topic could be broken into many episodes, I wanted to give you a  quick overview of what unlearning is, and how you can unlearn the ways success was put onto you growing up. I give you 3-4 steps to begin this process so you can fully engage with your child's schooling in the future.In this episode, I cover:1) The difference between unlearning and learning2) Why unlearning success is critical for your child3) A framework to begin to unlearn success for your child4) Next steps & Action Items Connect with me:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/consultkomalLinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/consultkomalWebsite: https://thekomalshah.comBook: https://www.amazon.com/Raise-Your-Hand-Consciousness-Education-Enjoying the show? Leave a rating and review and help more parents find this podcast!

"The highest form of learning is unlearning" - Rumi

In this episode, we dive deep into one of the most critical step to nurturing your child's K-12 schooling, which is unlearning. Though this topic could be broken into many episodes, I wanted to give you a  quick overview of what unlearning is, and how you can unlearn the ways success was put onto you growing up. I give you 3-4 steps to begin this process so you can fully engage with your child's schooling in the future.

In this episode, I cover:

1) The difference between unlearning and learning
2) Why unlearning success is critical for your child
3) A framework to begin to unlearn success for your child
4) Next steps & Action Items 

Connect with me:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/consultkomal
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/consultkomal
Website: https://thekomalshah.com
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Raise-Your-Hand-Consciousness-Education-

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Creators and Guests

Komal Shah
Komal Shah
Author of "Raise Your Hand! A Call for Consciousness in Education" | Educational Consultant | Envisioning Classrooms to Cultivate Conscious Children
[Episode 2] Unlearning Success for Your Child
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